Saturday, May 23, 2009

Maybe it's just bad timing...

bad weather?

When I go to the beach, there's always a weather event.

First time I visited Oregon, the beach trip was a real wash out. Even lost an umbrella.
Well not really lost, more like destroyed by the wind gusts. We were soaking wet from the rain.
It was still a very good day.

After I relocated here and took a few visitors to the beach, we all froze walking out to the tidal pool to see the sea stars and anemones.

It's been wind, rain and snow ever since.

The one thing I know is the beach is beautiful no matter what the weather.


Theresa Taylor Bayer said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Nice beach art, you really got the hot and sunny atmospheric quality. And the sand dollar is really fine!

chat to text said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Your right, the beach IS beautiful no matter what the weather.

I think i'll head down to take a sunset walk along Newport Beach with my wife.

Thanks for the inspiration